In this day and age there are so many resources out there, how can you tell the good from the bad? It's a constant challenge! Here we have compiled some links with accurate and reliable sources to help you learn from the best! We hope you enjoy continuing to learn about some of the most fascinating places and organisms on Earth!
- Eat seafood? For help making sustainable & healthy choices click and download the app: Seafood Watch
- Migration tracking of tuna, sharks, sea turtles, sea birds, and marine mammals: Tagging of Pacific Pelagics
- Interested in dolphins & whales? Check this out: Whaleopedia
- Everything you want to know about fish: Fishbase
- The latest from the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Association: NOAA
- Like blogs? Southern Fried Science, Deep Sea News
- Interested in record breaking diving animals: Penguiness book
- Like to plan ahead? Monthly tide calendar site: Santa Monica, La Jolla
- Check your favorite CA beaches- Beach Report Card: Heal the Bay
- Want to contribute to global ocean data during Covid-19? Check out eOceans:
- Class Blogs: Santa Catalina Marine Biology Quarter, Shoals Marine Lab